To learn more about the United Methodist Church and our beliefs click here!

Worship Service: Sundays at 9am (May 28th - Sept. 3rd) Sundays 10am (Sept. 10th - Memorial Day 2024)
Sunday School 9a During School year
Youth Groups Return in fall at the beginning of school year (see calendar for more).
Indoor Sunday Service
Come for our in-service worship on Sundays. Masks are recommend, but not required.
You can join us Sunday mornings virtually. Our worship services are live streamed and saved on YouTube.
Sermon Archive
Did you miss a Sunday? Don't worry, you can watch previous sermons via YouTube.
Parking Lot Service | FM Radio
Join us in worship from your vehicle by tuning into 87.9 FM on your car radio. Click here for more info on our Parking Lot Praise
Fellowship Time
Come early or stay after to hang out, connect with others, or get more information about our people and activities.