Mallory3 days agoEmbarking on a new JourneyDear Beloved Lake Mills UMC families, Our church is embarking on an exciting journey! On September 22 , we will officially launch the...
MallorySep 5Sunday Worship at 10:00, Sept 8thStarting Sunday, September 8th, Worship will begin at 10:00am for our Fall/Winter Hours. Sunday School will begin at 9:00am.
MalloryAug 1Journey through MCCI - Breakthrough Prayer Initiative TrainingAUGUST 17TH AT 10AM - St. Paul UMC, Steven's Point, WI Join us as we launch a churchwide breakthrough prayer initiative to unite our...
MalloryJul 9Loose Coin Offering for July & AugustJuly & August Missions Coin Offering will be dedicated to St. Vincent DePaul of Lake Mills New program to support young families with...
MalloryJun 13Wisconsin Annual Conference!Pastor Seongmin Kim attended our Wisconsin Annual Conference last week in Green Bay. Bishop Hee-Soo Jung has left us with a State of...
MalloryJun 13Meals on Wheels UpdateMeals on Wheels update. There will be a new coordinator starting immediately. Dana Ostrowski has very graciously agreed to take over...